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miércoles, 13 de junio de 2018

Mei, una chica becada por Udutama, nos cuenta cómo le va

Como todos sabéis, Udutama desarrolla un proyecto de becas de estudio para chicas de minorías étnicas del norte de Tailandia en riesgo de exclusión social, gracias principalmente a la cuota de 50 € que cobramos a los/as voluntarios/as internacionales y a la aportación de Imma, una antigua voluntaria de Udutama. Mei es una de ellas y nos ha escrito para que sepamos cómo le va en sus estudios de grado de inglés y en su vida en general.

Aquí va el texto:

Hello! Teacher Imma, Xavier,and everyone. I hope your life is full of happiness and success. It was a long time that I haven’t send you the report so this is a good time for do it. I will let you know what’s going on in my life. First of all I want to talk about my study. Now I am the second year student of University and this is the last term of the second- year class. After this term I will study in the third-year class. The detail of the subjects are more difficult and challenge in the third year of University. I have more 2 years to study in University. My study is quite good so you don’t need to worry about my study and I hope I will be better. I don’t working in Japanese restaurant right now because I don’t have much of time. I just work sometimes when I am free or when they really need me. I use to work there 1 year and half. I have many friends and many experiences from my job. They taught me how to work, how to have patience, be friendly with all customers and the most important thing is I learned to worke with many kind of people. And now I am going to talk about my family. My family is happy. My parents are healthy and happy. They are the pride of their children and happy because they can see beautiful future of us. I also want to see a good future of my family. Especially, my young brothers and sister. I have two young brothers and one young sister who's still studying. Big brother study in second year of the college. Second brother study in second year of junior high school. And my little sister study in grade five. They live in Chiang Rai which is they were born. We don’t want to study others city because we want near our city and family. We also want spend time together in holiday. These all about my study and my family. If you want some more detail about me you can give me some questions. Thank you so much for your support and give me opportunity to study. It is very kind of you to it for me. Thank you so much.

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